Prevention of periodontal disease is the best method. That includes regular visits to your dental office to get proper care and conscientious maintenance by yourself at home. If periodontal disease still begins to develop, we can provide periodontal care services in Lakeville, MN.
Miller Comfort Dental can also provide care and therapy methods to arrest the disease process and maintain a state of continuing health. This will help you retain your teeth for your life.
We complete a full periodontal evaluation of all of our patients. This helps us gauge your condition and status at your first visit with us, therefore establishing a baseline so we can catch any progression while it is in its early stages.
In the circumstances where you have already reached a point of moderate to severe periodontal disease, we have access to some excellent Periodontal Specialists. The specialists have many new wonderful methods and techniques which can lead to restoring your oral health with minimum tooth loss, or none at all!
If you need periodontal care services in Lakeville, MN,
contact Miller Comfort Dental now. You can also
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